
How to rock your life

Do you really rock your Life? I mean: ROCK? Do you want to rock your Life?

What do i mean when i say: To rock  your Life?

Thats the first point: Do you know what rocking your life means for you?

Does it mean, to get the job of your dreams, do the things your love  or do party every single night?

You are not satisfied with your current situation, searching for ways how to change something. You want every single day to be a great day. You want to enjoy Life, and give happiness and joy to the people surrounding you? You want to take action and control your life? You don’t know when to start?

  • Start today.
  • Talk with friends.
  • Write about it.
  • Change.

I’ll write about life, changing things, getting the power you need and having joy rocking your life in some future articles.

So till then, feel free to talk about how you want to rock your life or how you are rocking your life in the comment section.


Why i love the morning

I love to get up early.

A new day is born. All is fresh, all is new. There is so much time in this wonderful new day. A day is like a little Life. And if those days and little Life’s are concatenated they become my Life. And of course there are more things that make my Life great, but one of it is definitely a wonderful morning. Without a great start, i miss something over the day. Right now, i listen to music, while writing these lines. I feel very good. I am energised to go to work, what i have to do soon.

An early morning is one wonderful moment in a day. And there are more wonderful moments. What if all these little wonderful moments where manifested in every single day? What if it where possible to create those moments every little life (every day)? And I think it is possible. I definitely want those moments. Sometimes great moments just appear out of nothing. And I think to have more of those moments, the start of the day is essential. That’s why I love the morning of my little Life: Today.



It’s right there, the sun. I am very happy to feel it on my skin. Sunrays are welcome to me.

Have you ever thought about not having the sun at all?

I like the sun.

It gives power and light and life to the earth.

To enjoy the sun remembers me of Diogenes who lived in a tub and had this conversation with Alexander the king.

Alexander said, „Have you no favor to ask of me?“
„Yes,“ Diogenes replied, „to get out of my sunlight.“