
You don’t need to be perfect

Just one hour ago i got an idea that stuck in my head: I don’t need to be perfect.

Why on earth am i not writing articles for my so important project called: monkey of hope blog?
Because i want to be perfect. And by beeing perfect i don’t talkt about perfect use of the english language or perfect articles or so on. I talk about beeing perfect in a way that i write usefull content. And yes. Thats what i still want to do, but not the perfect way, just the imperfect way. Because if perfect means not to write and wait till another day, cause you have no perfect ideas or you don’t have time to describe your ideas or whatever or if you think… you should write articles for the future to have articles in the background which you can use when you need them. This all means, that you don’t write, because you just have wishes how it should be.

To write or not to write thats the question.

So beeing imperfect is the way of writing i want to follow. To write about things you love to write about and having fun, even if nobody wants to read them, thats a way better than to write nothing.

Having fun is the key.


Kunst im Park

Gerade wanderte ich so durch den Park und sah dort einen Kinderwagen stehen. Schwarz in der Nacht. Da kam mir der Kunstgedanke. Ja, es war Kunst. Wer immer ihn dort hingestellt hatte, war ohne es zu wollen oder zu wissen zu einem Künstler geworden. Aber nicht er alleine. An gleicher Stelle auf der anderen Wegseite entdeckte ich unlägst einen dort liegengelassenen schwarzen Motorradhelm. Kunst. Ein schwarzer Helm bei Tageslicht und ein von weitem schwarzer Kinderwagen in der Nacht. Hätte nur noch das Kind gefehlt oder der Motorradfahrer.

Diese Beiden Eindrücke haben auf mich gewirkt.

Vielleicht ist es auch Kunst, die Kunst zu entdecken. Somit bin ich der Künstler. Ja, man nimmt Teil an einem Kunstwerk und indem man es als solches wertschätzt wird man selbst zu einem Kunstbewunderer und damit zu einem potentiellen Künstler. Und ein Künstler den ein anderer Künstler wertschätzt, für den ist das etwas besonderes. Ich glaube ich möchte eher von solchen Leuten wertgeschätzt werden, die auch selbst Kunst produzieren, so wie ich es geiler finde von schreibenden Menschen gelesen zu werden, von anderen Bloggern die sozusagen meine Schreibkollegen sind. Auch wenn so ein Text jetzt nicht die ultimative Kunst in sich ist, aber so doch ein Ausdruck der kreativen schreibenden Seele. Aber der Leser braucht nicht einmal Blogauthor zu sein, nein es reicht schon, wenn er einen Kommentar hinterlässt. Mir seine Meinung kundtut, auch wenn einem das manchmal schwerfällt.

Mut zum schreiben. Es ist ganz einfach.


How to develop creativity

On the RoofCreativity is there, right in you. It’s there waiting to be activated. Sometimes people want to be creative, but fail because they give themself to much pressure. „Be creative now!“ – That can kill all creativity. But only if you let it. The problem with creativity is, that you have it when you don’t need it and need it, when you don’t have it. So there seem to be two ways to use creativity. The first one is to use the creativity when you have it. The second way is to get creativity when you need it to be, or in other words learn how to be creative.

What does creativity mean?
I found a quote wich i liked:

„Creativity is a type of learning process where the teacher and pupil are located in the same individual.“
– Arthur Koestler

And thats true. If you are creative you create something new. Nobody ever told you how to do it. You are your own master. To be creative means for me, that you use all of your knowledge, all of your pesonality, all of your feelings all yourself and dream of something new. Let behind bondaries, get rid of the „normal“ behavior.
So to be creative is easy. You can be creative by inventing new words or writing down an article on how to develop creativity.

But creativity is not something that you only need once. You need it everyday. Take me, by writing this down, i am not that creative in the present, but was creative the days and weeks ans years before this article, because i always liked the subject creativity and thought a lot about it and tried to be creative for a long time. Successfully. I am creative. I feel very creative sometimes. I am sometimes amazed, what i write or say. And i think, that more people are creative and they don’t know it. They think they have stupid ideas or ideas that no one is interested in and so they are not interested in their own creative thoughts, because they seem to be stupid.

So whats wrong about beeing stupid? If you try something new, it seems to be very stupid if it’s against all you know or your surroundings may tell you, but it may be very creative. So if you are afraid of stupidy, you may also stop all of your creativity.

Don’t be afraid! If other people think: Ohh what a crazy idea/behavior, maybe you are on the right way. Thats why all the artists and cool people seem to be so crazy. Thats how i am creative myself. Never be afraid. First think: What could happen and if there is nothing bad about it, just do it, try it, write it.

In the future i am going to write more about beeing creative, but for today, just remember one thing: You are creative, cause you are a creation, just give your creativity more room in your life.


Why writing is fun

Writing is fun. 

To write down your thoughts, only limited by your imagination and the ability to express what you want to say is awesome. To write focused on a special topic is not that easy. And the topic you write about in a series of articles should not put you in a cage. You want to develop your writing? So what to do?

So the first step is to feel free in writing. Without the feeling of freedom while you write, writing is no fun.

On the other side, to be totally free makes you write about everything and nothing and for every publicum to no one. So it’s still important to focus on a topic and keep the people in mind you are writing for. And of course: the motivation behind your writing is also important. I want to write helpful articles, that  people read and get something out of them by having fun reading them. So writing is more fun, if your readers have fun as well.

And the more articles I write, the more I can answer why writing is fun. I’m still at the beginning of this blog and more articles are going to be written, but here are my expectations why writing could be fun:

  • you learn something from your own writing by writing down your thoughts in an accurate way
  • you read topic-realated articles and books you write about and by that learn more and more
  • you grow in your writing and feel the process of development
  • you learn a better english and because of that have mor fun writing in english (especially as a non-native-speaker)
  • you can read old articles of yourself just to see how you expressed yourself decades ago
  • you may interact with your readers and by that get fresh ideas
  • you may produce something of value and feel the success of of your own writing independently of readers or people, but simple by the fact that you produced something new
  • it’s fun, because its communikation
  • it’s your voice to the world
  • you feel integrated in the big group of writers, bloggers and thinkers all over the planet


So writing is fun, cause i like to write. I really love it. To write something usefull is even more fun. And to write to a bigger group of people and not only one person is a different type of communication. I love communication and this special type of communication is much fun.


How to motivate yourself for writing

“People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.”

 Zig Ziglar

This is the article i need myself. To not let the blog sleep and finally die, the writer should post regulary. A reader who checks the blog and does not see any new content is faster as you can imagine an ex-reader. Maybe he never comes back, is not interested in the website anymore because of the lack of new articles. So i think it’s quite important to post regulary. The perfect routine would be to write every single day one good article. But i decided thats to often for me at the beginning. You have to have always something to say. And yes, I’m full of ideas, but it’s hard to blog every single day. So it’s better to do it regulary than to start like a pro and after two weeks of writing decide to stop blogging. So here is my plan: two articles per week is my goal.

But now back to our topic on How to motivate yourself for writing.

First of all: Whats your Goal? Find out if writing is really the thing you want to do.

Think about your goal. For me writing is fun, the more you are into it the more fun it is. I love to write, i love to write on this blog, i love to interact with my readers and i love to develop this blog from almost zero readers to many many of them. This is what i want. 

I know that i realy want to do it. But what can i do to be motivated all the way. This is only the second article since the restart of the blog and there are more and more to be written. But the good thing is: I do not have to motivate me for all of the articles to write. I only write one article after the other and not all today.

So how do i get my motivation for the next article?  Motivation can come from the people. One good thing of a blog is, that readers can interact with the author instantly. And even if there are not that many readers at the beginning, they may interact with you, by writing you a comment, a mail or interacting with you via facebook. You can invite your friends to read your blog and get feedback from them as well. Thats motivation for me :-)

Just do it! Thats very important to me. If i start writing, the words come by themself. So just start whether the idea is good or not is the best way to go further and develop some articles. The writing does not have to be the best on the planet. You may develop your writing over time. So just start doing it.

Keep thinking on how to motivate yourself gives you motivation. And the best way you can do this is to

 Write an article about „How to motivate yourself for writing“. :-)


„Monkey of Hope“ startet durch

Hallo liebe Leser. Heute darf ich euch freundlicherweise mitteilen, dass die webseite monkeyofhope.com neu durchstartet.

Geplant sind regelmäßige Artikel zu den Themen:

Lifestyle Design ( Wie man sein Leben wirklich lebt und ob es notwendig ist täglich genau 8 stunden von morgens bis abends zu arbeiten oder nicht )

Simplicity (Vereinfachnung des Lebens in verschiedenen Bereichen und auf verschiedenen Ebenen)

My Future (Meine Zukunft, was ich alles plane. Der Leser soll teilhaben an meinen Plänen und der Umsetzung)

Reaching Goals (Ziele erreichen und umsetzen)

Creativity (Kreativität entwickeln und Ideen umsetzen)

Es wird auch weitere Themen geben, die das in Frage stellen, was man so kennt und lebt und dazu einladen Dinge vielleicht einfach mal anders zu tun um damit eine qualitative Lebenssteigerung zu erreichen oder es erst möglich zu machen das umzusetzen, von dem man träumt.

Ach ja und der Blog ist auf Englisch geschrieben, eine tolle Möglichkeit meine Englischkenntnisse zu verbessern.

Check it out: monekyofhope.com and subscribe to the blog by e-mail or RSS-Feeds

And of course, feel free to follow me on twitter :-)


We restart

Heli I am happy to announce, that this website, which is actually a blog is going to restart. There are 4 articles, over a year old. I keep them. I could delete them and start over, but hey, it’s part of the history and i like them.

The funny part: The second article „How to reach a goal“ should have been implemented on the goal to have a developing blog. But that didn’t happen. Old goals may sleep for a while. But hey, never give up, if it’s still a goal. It’s still my goal to have a blog i want to write for with fun, connect to people all over the world (thats why it is in english) and i’m very curious about whats happening with all this.

Till today i only dreamt about having a wonderful blog, a place of ideas and visions and goals shared with the whole world, open to everyone to discuss them, creating something new on the planet. And yes, i had one, a blog sitting on this domain and it was nice to conversate with people. It was in german, but it was kind of personal blog, most interesting for people who know me. I transfered it over to andreas.mobi one year ago, to make this domain free for a big project i would start. To start a wonderfull blog. A blog focused on topics like personal development and reaching your goals, reaching my goals. There are many and many of blogs out there focusing on such topics, and i do really like them. Speaking of Leo Babauta from the fabulous blog zenhabits.net or Tim Ferriss, author of the 4-Hour Workweek . But hey, everyone is different. I have my own story to tell. A story which starts in the present and reachs into the future. I want to take you with me on a travel into the future, and because i’m writing this articles in a personal view, i invite you into my future. So come on an join my future if you like. New Articles are following soon.