Jahr: 2009

  • You don’t need to be perfect

    Just one hour ago i got an idea that stuck in my head: I don’t need to be perfect. Why on earth am i not writing articles for my so important project called: monkey of hope blog? Because i want to be perfect. And by beeing perfect i don’t talkt about perfect use of the…

  • Kunst im Park

    Gerade wanderte ich so durch den Park und sah dort einen Kinderwagen stehen. Schwarz in der Nacht. Da kam mir der Kunstgedanke. Ja, es war Kunst. Wer immer ihn dort hingestellt hatte, war ohne es zu wollen oder zu wissen zu einem Künstler geworden. Aber nicht er alleine. An gleicher Stelle auf der anderen Wegseite…

  • How to develop creativity

    Creativity is there, right in you. It’s there waiting to be activated. Sometimes people want to be creative, but fail because they give themself to much pressure. „Be creative now!“ – That can kill all creativity. But only if you let it. The problem with creativity is, that you have it when you don’t need it…

  • Why writing is fun

    Writing is fun.  To write down your thoughts, only limited by your imagination and the ability to express what you want to say is awesome. To write focused on a special topic is not that easy. And the topic you write about in a series of articles should not put you in a cage. You…

  • How to motivate yourself for writing

    “People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.”  Zig Ziglar This is the article i need myself. To not let the blog sleep and finally die, the writer should post regulary. A reader who checks the blog and does not see any new content is…

  • „Monkey of Hope“ startet durch

    Hallo liebe Leser. Heute darf ich euch freundlicherweise mitteilen, dass die webseite monkeyofhope.com neu durchstartet. Geplant sind regelmäßige Artikel zu den Themen: – Lifestyle Design ( Wie man sein Leben wirklich lebt und ob es notwendig ist täglich genau 8 stunden von morgens bis abends zu arbeiten oder nicht ) – Simplicity (Vereinfachnung des Lebens…

  • We restart

     I am happy to announce, that this website, which is actually a blog is going to restart. There are 4 articles, over a year old. I keep them. I could delete them and start over, but hey, it’s part of the history and i like them. The funny part: The second article „How to reach…