Jahr: 2010

  • On writing naturally

    I wrote tons of words to post a nice article on this blog today. But I didn’t like it. There was no flow. So I write a new one. This article does not have to be better but it feels more like me. To write naturally with not too much editing and still having something…

  • Follow your own path

    Right now my head is full of ideas I want to share with all of you. One of these is the idea of your own path. Every single human has his or her own path to follow. Whether you know it or not you are on some kind of path. It’s important that the path…

  • How to rock your life

    How to rock your life

    Do you really rock your Life? I mean: ROCK? Do you want to rock your Life? What do i mean when i say: To rock  your Life? Thats the first point: Do you know what rocking your life means for you? Does it mean, to get the job of your dreams, do the things your love…

  • Do it your way.

    No matter how good things work for other people. Maybe they don’t work for you. There are many ways to live your life, to do the things you have to do in a good way, in your own way. You know the best what keeps you doing things. There are many people around you, who…

  • Why focus is important

    To focus on the right thing is very important. Why? Because if you don’t really know what to focus on, you end up doing nothing but waiting for the right moment. When does this moment come? The answer? Never. There is never a moment as good as now, to decide what to focus on. One example is this…

  • Andreas auf der CeBIT

    Endlich ist es so weit, dieses Jahr bin ich auf der CeBIT in Hannover. Es ist das erste Mal für mich. Heute am Dienstag um kurz vor 10 werde ich das Messegelände betreten, ausgerüstet mit meinem G1 und meiner Panasonic ZX1 um selbst zu dokumentieren, was die größte Messe der Welt so zu bieten hat.…

  • Freies Schreiben

    Das Zurückhalten von Informationen, die man schreiben könnte, aber doch nicht schreibt führt dazu, dass die Kreativität nicht voll entfaltet wird. Im Prinzip ist das Gerhin voll von Informationen die sinnlos oder sinnvoll existiert. Das ständige Nachdenken darüber was sinnvoll und gut oder sinnlos und schlecht wäre führt dazu den Schreibfluss zu behindern. Natürlich kann…