
9 Steps Towards Greatness

What key-features you need to find the greatness inside of you.

1. Stop thinking bad about yourself

You know yourself better than anybody else and may know all the power and weakness inside of you. It’s not good to fight against your weakness, it’s better to use your strength, which leads us to the next point.

2. Don’t force yourself.

We are often told, that it’s good to force yourself, to fight against your weakness. If you work hard, then you’ll accomplish what you want. That may happen, yes, but I’ll say, you never find your own greatness this way. The better way is to…

3. Find the key to self-motivation.

Yesterday I went running – no big distance. I just ran. My body felt like not wanting to run after a while and the air was hot and wet. I gave myself the freedom to stop running if I wanted. But I wanted to run, without forcing myself. I listened to my body and decided .. okay.. let’s try how far we good but not too far. I then ran 2 times longer than I first planned.
It’s all about the thinking. Why thinking negative? And I even didn’t forced myself to motivation. It’s a natural motivation which is not easy to find but if you find it, you’ll have fun and power to walk on the path to greatness in freedom.

4. Repeat moments of power

Moments of power are moments where there is no need of forcing yourself and the motivation comes naturally but not forced. You feel great by having that moment, like I feel great right now writing this article :-)
If there is any possibility to repeat what gives you energy and leads you to greatness, do it. Never let routines ruin your Life, but create routines, that makes your Life better. So it’s not a question if the things that we constantly do are great, but its the answer to repeat great things and you will rock the planet. More on that in the future.

5. Be aware of the greatness in you.

You already have it. Think big about yourself :-) Just do great things to develop even more greatness. Just do it. Start with the simple things. Don’t make a plan to be great one day in the future. Be great today. If you can’t find the greatness today, how will it reach you in the future? It won’t happen.

6. Share your greatness with other people.

Find out, who likes your kind of greatness and connect with those people. Some may not realise your greatness, but others will. You need supporters. Don’t fight for yourself against people, but rather help people, by motivating them.

7. Look for the greatness in the people you meet, in the nature and your surroundings.

That could be the first point on my list, cause to have an eye for greatness in others makes it more easy to realize the greatness in you. But, never think to big about the greatness of other people or to bad about it, don’t judge. Take it for motivation to find your own. Cause YOU have your own greatness.

8. Take the first step.

I think the way to greatness is not easy to find, but it’s worth to search for it. If you just realize, that you have greatness in you, than thats a good start. Wonderful.
That’s everything I wanted with this article, to make you aware of the greatness in you.

9. Smile.

Just smile at yourself in the mirror and realise that someone elses greatness created you the way you are.

I’m very interested in what you think about greatness.
Tell me your own thoughts on greatness if you like.

Write a comment or send me a mail to monkeyofhope AT gmail DOT com

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Or -brandnew- „Like“ the Monkey of Hope on facebook :-)


Think Big about yourself

or „Find your own greatness“

If you start thinking big about yourself, real magic happens.
People will recognise your greatness and the most important thing is: You will recognise your greatness yourself.

You have the ability for greatness.
You just have to find it.
Sometimes it’s even more simple.
The greatness is right there, reachable.
Right there, where your heart is.

So I think searching for this greatness, for this power in you is one of the most important things you can do to be happy.

There is greatness inside of me, I truely know that. It just wants to show itself to the world and to myself.

Think Big about yourself. Let the Greatness: the connection of your abilities, your expertise and your power for action just happen.

Take action.


There will be no future for that.

There is no time for later.

There is only this second to decide.

Be Great, Be Yourself and Be Happy :-)

Think Big.


Schaffe dir dein eigenes Denkuniversum

Es gibt so viel zu schreiben.
Informationen liegen in meinem Kopf,
bereit sie der Welt mitzuteilen.
Es ist wie eine Fülle an Weisheiten,
verschiedenste Entwicklungsstufen von Gedanken.
Es ist wie die Antwort auf die Fragen,
die alle haben.

Wir alle sind doch auf der Suche,
nach dem was Wichtig ist.
Ich lese verschiedene Bücher,
ich schaue mir die Weisheiten verschiedener Menschen an.
Ich bin fasziniert.
Ich denke nach.
Ich beobachte und stelle fest,
was mir gefällt und wo ich anders denke.
Unabhängiges Denken entwickeln tut gut.
Du selbst erklärst das Universum.
Irgendeinem Guru zu vertrauen,
der dir erzählt,
wie es läuft
ist der falsche Ansatz.

Du selbst bist der Mittelpunkt des Universums,
deines Denk-Universums.

Du denkst.
Du ergründest.

Es ist gut Vorbilder zu haben,
aber du darfst nie versuchen wie diese Menschen zu werden,
sondern du solltest zu dem werden, wie du bist.
Die Fähigkeiten anderer Menschen sind so wertvoll wie Bücher.
Ich lese täglich darin und bin fasziniert.
Doch niemals der gesamte Mensch ist mein Vorbild.
Es gibt niemanden auf dem Planeten mit dem ich tauschen will.

Es gibt aber Eigenschaften von Menschen, die mich faszinieren. Ich bewundere diese Menschen nicht dafür indem ich sage : „Wow, so würde ich gerne auch sein, schade, dass ich es nicht bin.“ Nein, ich sage mir: „Faszinierend, wie dieser Mensch in dieser Situation gehandelt hat.“ oder „Das gefällt mir.“

Die Denkrichtung schafft Veränderung. Was ich an Anderen schätze, zu dem kann ich werden. Langsam.
Die eigene Persönlichkeit zu transformieren ist nicht möglich und wäre falsch.
Doch persönliche Weiterentwicklung ist sehr wohl möglich.
Ich lese also in Büchern und in Menschen und durch Gespräche und stelle mir mein eigenes Denkuniversum zusammen.
Du willst wissen, wie mein Universum aussieht?
Vielleicht, vielleicht spreche ich davon.

Aber denk immer daran: Mein Denkuniversum ist nicht deines. Nur du kannst dir dein eigenes Denkuniversum schaffen.


Der Flow im Text

Schreiben ist mehr als Wörter hintereinanderzureihen. Schreiben ist gelebte Kreativität.

Hochkarätige Texte.

Ist der Zusammenhang wichtig?

Ist nicht jedes einzelne Textelement wie ein kleines Universum?

Die Fortführung bereits geschriebener Worte ist ein Automatismus.

Aber wenn es Anders kommt?

Wenn Plötzlich der Text unterbrochen wird?

Wenn der rote Faden gewollt verloren geht?

Die Anknüpfungspunkte sind erwünscht, sie erzeugen den Flow. Wenn aber der Flow gleich einem Gedicht nicht durch die zusammenhängende Logik erzeugt wird, sondern durch Stil und Unerklärbarem? Wenn die Logik zwischen den Zeilen steht, oder nur spürbar ist, aber nicht erfahrbar, weil der Autor Gedanken zurückbehält?

Gib mir diesen Text.

Lass ihn mich lesen.

Erfahrbar nicht für Jeden.

Doch wenn, dann tief.



Wenn man mal so durch die Archive seines uralten Blogs stöbert, in einer Nacht, in der man nicht schlafen kann, weil die Gedanken einen wachhalten, dann entdeckt man Unglaubliches.

Ich war schon öfter versucht, das zu löschen, was ich irgendwann einmal bloggte. Zumindest aus dem Netz nehmen, weil es nicht mehr Zeitgemäß ist, weil ich mich neuen Dingen widmen würde.

Aber dann, wenn man es liest… Ich entdecke Texte die mich erfreuen. Texte durch meine Feder geschrieben, die mich faszinieren. Wenn ich also die Fähigkeit besitze durch einen öffentlichen, wenig persönlichen Text mir selbst eine Freude zu machen, besitze ich auch die Fähigkeit, dass andere Menschen das, was ich von mir gebe lesen, vielleicht darüber nachdenken und in irgendeiner Form aufnehmen und sich darüber Freuen können es gelesen zu haben.

Einige meiner alten Texte strömen eine Freude am Schreiben aus, welche ich an mir selbst schätze. Auch wenn ich sie nicht immer auslebe, so erfahre ich sie sobald meine Finger die Tastatur berühren.

Fazit also von meinem kleinen Ausflug in meine alten Texte: Schreiben war und ist für mich immer schon eine Freude gewesen. Ich freue mich über jeden, der gerne meine aufgeschriebenen Gedanken mitliest und werde weiterschreiben. Immer weiterschreiben. Denn Schreiben bringt mich weiter.

Dazu ein alter Beitrag vom November 2009, den ich hier hervorheben möchte „Die Möglichkeiten sind unbegrenzt“


What meadow has to do with the beauty of writing

Notice: I wrote this for myself while riding a train, but as i finished it i realized that I want to share this article with the world.

Meadow is kind of a wonderful word. For me as a German-speaking person, I love it. It sounds romantic to me. I think it’s like this because I first really recognized it by reading „The Time-travelers Wife“ which I never finished reading.

Today I stumbled upon it by researching all kinds of words that have to do with „edge“. So „the edge of the meadow“ was what I loved.

Isn’t it nice to read a word that feels alive?

I wish I could write in a deeper language in english, cause I feel the edge. I want to go further, to express myself in a way thats only possible in German for me so far. But whats better to improve my style and everything than to write in english. Write a lot. And then let it be read by natives. And then they tell me. So I can learn and improve and write and improve and get better every time I put my fingers on the keyboard.

But despite the lack of a great english, I am still able to write down my thoughts and share them with the world. By writing in english and having fun doing it, I have the mental-power to write more and more. Thats important to me.

Sometimes I think about only to write in German, cause here I can improve my style of writing as well. It’s not just in the words, but by putting powerful meaningful words together and not only give me the feeling of a flow, but also the reader. To feel the flow by reading a message on the net is the only way to attract someone in a true way. This feeling of flow as far as I can say is possible by the combination of two factors.

First. The interesting thoughts that get transported to the reader, which may help improving once thoughts.

Second. The style of writing, how sentences and words are combined, which words where chosen. Like Poetry. Like the rhetoric of a speech.

The thoughts are the most powerful thing I have to give, cause my thoughts are independent of language. People who like my style of thinking will follow me. But the rhetoric is very important, too. And with my small amount of english rhetoric power I am still capable to write stuff that may be read by some people and influence thinking.

So how to improve one and two? By writing. Writing is the one most important thing to get better in everything. Writing creates crazy thoughts that need to get formed into some beautiful something.


The power of fresh Ideas

Do you live your Life on this planet and wonder what might happen next?

Do you just go on with you Life and relax in thinking?

Do you do the same that everybody else is doing?

It feels like I invented myself several times. If I could meet myself in the past we would be two different people. Yes, very similar, but different.

There is change happening. Great change. The change is not coming by forcing it, but by exploring the great benefits of Life. By listening to your heart and by following your own path. And of course by fresh ideas. I read a lot stuff online, I think a lot about the people behind the blogs that I read and sometimes what they write is absolutely crazy. But that crazyness is also inside of me, maybe inside of you. Find out.

Participate. In. The. Net.

Yes, you may use Facebook and be there online all day klicking on „Like“-Buttons. But do you know what? Nothing is better than your own base in the net. It’s just your space, where you can unveil fresh mindblowing ideas.

I believe, there is a creator in everyone of us. Let him out. Write, make photos, videos or do whatever is creative. Don’t do it, because people may like it, but do it, because it’s your very own style. Find your style and rock on. Authenticity is more important that ever. No one wants to read some lame thing they are expecting, but mindblowing stuff which may turn readers away, but also creates some true fans.