
The power of fresh Ideas

Do you live your Life on this planet and wonder what might happen next?

Do you just go on with you Life and relax in thinking?

Do you do the same that everybody else is doing?

It feels like I invented myself several times. If I could meet myself in the past we would be two different people. Yes, very similar, but different.

There is change happening. Great change. The change is not coming by forcing it, but by exploring the great benefits of Life. By listening to your heart and by following your own path. And of course by fresh ideas. I read a lot stuff online, I think a lot about the people behind the blogs that I read and sometimes what they write is absolutely crazy. But that crazyness is also inside of me, maybe inside of you. Find out.

Participate. In. The. Net.

Yes, you may use Facebook and be there online all day klicking on „Like“-Buttons. But do you know what? Nothing is better than your own base in the net. It’s just your space, where you can unveil fresh mindblowing ideas.

I believe, there is a creator in everyone of us. Let him out. Write, make photos, videos or do whatever is creative. Don’t do it, because people may like it, but do it, because it’s your very own style. Find your style and rock on. Authenticity is more important that ever. No one wants to read some lame thing they are expecting, but mindblowing stuff which may turn readers away, but also creates some true fans.


Warum der heutige Tag der absolute Wahnsinn war

Bin im Zug nach Hause unterwegs, habe Feierabend und frage mich warum ich heute den glücklichsten Tag des Jahres hatte.

Vielleicht liegt es daran, dass ich schon glücklich in den Tag gestartet bin und völlig relaxt, viel zu früh und auf Umwegen den Weg zur Arbeit genommen habe. 

Ich habe die positiven Momente auf mich wirken lassen und die Freude darüber an Andere weitergegeben, was natürlich Freude zurückwirft. Wenn man dann noch gefragt wird, warum man so gut drauf ist, wird einem dieser Zustand noch bewusster.

Und ja, ich glaube dass Freude und positive Energie ansteckend sein kann, so wie Negatives. Psychologie. Wenn man sich willkommen und angenommen fühlt, öffnet man sich eher, selbst für Fremde. 

Ich finde Menschen unheimlich spannend, weil die Interaktion mit ihnen eine unglaubliche Bereicherung für die eigene Erfahrung und das eigene Leben darstellt.

Wenn ich heute Freude erleben und weitergeben konnte, hat sich dieser Tag gelohnt zu leben. 

I love to rock this Life.



Listen, People of the Internet

This is me, monkeyofhope writing some article on my blog.

You may have missed me, you may have never heard of me, you may have kissed me or will do or never meet me. You may be dreaming of me or dreaming without me. But you are reading my stuff right now.  I am here. Thats what I have to tell the world. It may be interesting to you or not. If so, keep reading. If not, just leave my blog. I don’t need readers, I just need a writer. That’ll be me :-)

I read lots of stuff online. I read some books. I keep reading. I collaborate in Facebook, I have twitter, which I don’t post as often as I post on facebook. I speak German as my first language and English second. I keep thinking to get better in english, so i don’t write sometimes. Who stops me? It’s me. But hey, it’s also me who is writing here.

So hey, it’s me telling you some random stuff which comes out of my brain. Now what? I love it. It’s some creative type of feeling I have. Why not write all the time like now?

You’ll her from me.


what minimalism means to me

I keep thinking a lot about minimalism and what it means to me.

Minimalism is some kind of simplicity. It means to reduce all unnessessary things in order to have space for the important.

Right now i am happy with everything i own or have and don’t want to have more stuff.

That means a lot to me. It makes the things i have so usefull, cause i also try to find out what i don’t need for the quality of my life.

I am on the path of minimalism and so far it makes me feel kind of rich. Yes, i don’t need a great car to make my life usefull. Right now i even don’t need any car.

Life is simpler if you have less stuff.

Minimalism is not focused on stuff but on everything in your life. But reducing stuff and think twice before bying something is an easy start into minimalism.

Think about what you don’t need and get rid of it.


Why having less can set you free

We use to have lots of stuff. We want it, we buy it, we have it.
Generations before us did never have this amount of things like we own today.

And there is nothing wrong with having as much stuff as you want.

But…Do you think that the stuff you posess makes you happy? Or do you think it gives you security?
I also had a big wishlist in my head of „nice to have’s“ And even if I never would buy it, it was still in my head.

I realised that wanting more of things you don’t have makes you wanting to have even more stuff if you get them.

On the contrary, to reduce your stuff  and wanting less gives you the opportunity to proof to yourself that you don’t need all that stuff, that you don’t even want to buy more stuff, but instead give your friends and family and your actions you are truely passionate about more time and energy.

That leads to a Life where you don’t need that Big-Money-Job but instead work on a job that you truely love.

You will realise that the things you own are enough which makes you feel kind of rich, cause you have everything you need already.

Nice to read: The essay „Stuff“ by Paul Graham


Step by Step

If you walk.

On a path…

.. you have chosen.


that every




Do one step today!


How to stick to a schedule

In order to post regularly, it’s necessary to stick to a schedule.

I try to keep it and post every Monday and Thursday.

My dream is to write every single day and then have enough to post on those two days. The best thing would be, to have several articles and then only post the best and maybe develop the others further.

Right now I’m writing this article with only 5 minutes to go. It’s more important for me to write regularly than not to write at all but only dream of writing perfect article.

So if you know whats important to you and to keep your blog alive, just do that. Everything else may develop later and I’m looking forward to have more time to write to bring my articles one level further.

But at this moment in time I’m just happy with what I created.


This goal has changed. I have no blogging-goal anymore but rather write as I feel to write. A plan should always be helpful, not hinder you.